Commuteride and local transportation and public safety partners are coming together to celebrate bike safety this October! As the days get shorter and darker, we are working together to ensure anyone who needs bike lights can get them - for free!

Event Details:

  • Date: Wednesday, October 4, 2023

  • Time: 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (while supplies last)

  • Locations: Check out the interactive map to find a Ride Bright pop-up near you! There will be several different stops in Ada County to grab some lights from.

What to expect

BIKE LIGHTS!  Staff and volunteers from local transportation and public safety agencies will provide bike lights until time
or supplies run out (whichever comes first). Unlit cyclists will be called over so we can install front and rear light sets on their bikes. Did you know, according to Idaho Code, all cyclists are required to have a front light visible from a 500 foot distance and a clearly visible rear reflector? Be safe AND be legal!

Cyclists who stop by may also receive the Idaho Bicycling Street Smarts guide, an Ada County Bike Map, Boise Greenbelt Map, Bike Index registration card, and/or other bike-related information (dependent on location).

Tips for Riding in the Dark

  • Illuminate your ride: Use a white headlight and a rear reflector (or better yet, a red tail light) when riding in the dark. Try rechargeable batteries and keep your bike lights charged. Reflective tape or stickers for your bicycle and gear are also a great investment. Grab a friend and photograph each others’ bikes from a distance to see how visible your really are.

  • Assume drivers don’t see you: Veer on the side of caution and don’t assume that a driver can see you, even when you have the right of way. Give traffic an extra look before crossing at intersections.

  • Dress brightly: Wear reflective materials and/or bright-colored attire (high visibility helmet, jacket, shoes, and gloves are all items you can buy at your local bike shop).