Commuteride Works is a free service to help local employers create a commute benefit plan specific to their unique needs. Our team works one-on-one with employers to develop a custom program to reduce commute-related costs and identify alternative commute options. We're here to provide the support and tools you need to create and implement a commuter program that works for your team.
Commute Survey
Learn how your employees currently get to work and what options they’re open to learning more about
Address Map
Discover potential vanpool, carpool, bus, bike, and walk opportunities based on employees’ starting locations
Data Collection
Review the data for your company, including lowered costs, miles traveled, and tons of air pollution
On-Site Events
Invite our staff to share information on commute options, assistance and available resources
get started
Commuteride Works can do as little or as much for your organization as you would like it to. We offer a comprehensive package of services, experience, and expert advice to develop a commute benefit plan customized to your organization and employees. Whether you choose one service or all, we are here to help - and best of all? Our services are free!
Local Treasure Valley businesses discuss the importance of leading and promoting smart commute options in the workplace.
Learn About Your Employees’ Commutes
To build a commute benefit plan that will truly help your employees, we need to know what types of commutes they make and what they’re interested in learning more about. We’ll conduct a customized employee survey and prepare a map of your employees’ starting locations. With this information, we can make the best recommendations for your organization.
Explore Smart Commute Incentives
What will it take for your employees to make a change in their commute habits? What can your organization offer? We will demonstrate the power of incentivizing employees with even the smallest of budgets and opportunities. Proven incentives include:
Financial incentives (i.e., subsidized vanpool and/or bus fares, daily parking cash out, pre-tax commute costs, rewards)
On-site amenities (i.e., secure bike storage, shower/locker facilities, priority parking for carpools and vanpools)
Flexibility (i.e., telework or compressed work week schedules, flexible work hours, flexible work attire)
Promote Smart Commute Options
You’ve done the work and made the commitment to encourage smart commute options, now let Commuteride help get your employees excited about it.
Share the Ride Idaho: We will create a network for your organization to share incentives, run challenges, create leaderboards, and award prizes to your employees
On-site events: Our outreach team will coordinate presentations, info tablings, and/or fun gatherings for your employees
Marketing: We will create custom posters, graphics, and/or write content for newsletters or other internal communications
lead the way
Employer Sponsored Vanpool
Help get your employees get to and from work with an employer-sponsored vanpool. We offer employers the opportunity to pay a discounted monthly vanpool fare for a group of their employees.
Corporate Membership
Build a custom, company-wide City Go wallet with discounted mobility passes that work best for your employees. Or, pay for your business’ membership fee and let your employees manage their individual commuting needs.
Tax Benefits
Offer employees the ability to pay for vanpool and public transportation expenses with pre-tax dollars. The savings are significant, as up to $280 per month or $3,360 per year can be contributed tax-free.
additional tools
Relocation Commute Planning
We will provide special assistance when an employer moves by providing employees with information about the best commute options available to get them to their new worksite.
Employer Recognition
We will introduce your employees to May in Motion, our annual employer awards program that spotlights an organization's smart commute participation and benefits.