
start a vanpool

Ready to join the club? If you were not able to find an existing Club Red vanpool on Share The Ride Idaho to match your commute, consider starting a new vanpool; it’s as easy as 1-2-3! To get started:

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  1. Find five or more people with a similar commute and have each person submit a Participant Agreement.

    • Recruit additional riders by putting up signs around your office building and talking with friends.  

    • Visit Share the Ride Idaho to find potential riders and other ride matching resources.

    • Contact us - we’re happy to help in the search! Email commuteride@achdidaho.org or call us at 208-345-POOL.

  2. Choose at least two people to volunteer to drive. Drivers must meet specific requirements and be approved by Commuteride.

  3. Decide on pick-up and drop-off points.

  4. Complete a Commute Coach form to earn $200 for helping us start a new vanpool! (Van must be on route for 3 months)

For more information, see Vanpool FAQs.