emergency ride home
Though you may never need it, you have a ride home if an emergency ever strikes.
Emergency Ride Home (ERH) is available when:
You or an immediate family member gets sick or has a severe crisis
Your carpool driver has to unexpectedly leave early or stay late
You have unexpected overtime
To Qualify for ERH, You Must:
Create a SharetheRideIdaho.com profile and log your last 30 days of commuting
Be a part-time or full-time employee
Have shared a ride (vanpool or carpool), taken the bus, biked, or walked to work on the day the ride is needed
Registering is Easy, the Ride is Free
After you create a Share the Ride Idaho profile and log your commutes, you are able to redeem a free voucher for a taxi ride home. You may use the service up to six times or $300 per calendar year, whichever comes first.
Request an Emergency Ride Home
If you are requesting an Emergency Ride Home during business hours (Mon – Fri, 8:00am – 4:30pm) please call the Commuteride office at 208-345-7665 to arrange a taxi pick up. If you are requesting a ride after hours, please arrange your ride with a taxi, Uber, or Lyft service and submit a receipt for reimbursement to Commuteride the next business day. Please note: driver gratuity is made at your discretion and is not reimbursable by Commuteride.
By submitting an Emergency Ride Home request, I recognize that participation in the Emergency Ride Home program is strictly voluntary, and I hereby release, waive Share the Ride Idaho Program provided by ACHD Commuteride and all local transportation organizations, and/or my employers, its officers from any and all claims and demands, that I or my representatives have or may have against the aforementioned by reason of any personal issues arising from my participation in the ERH program.
ACHD Commuteride
(208) 345-7665